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TIYGA™ Health was founded by Katrina Delargy, with patient engagement very much at the heart of our philosophy, time is your greatest asset. Encouraged by feedback from members of the Northern Ireland Pain Society, first patient app users were recruited in 2013.

Katrina is a former Rolls Royce Research Fellow at the University of Oxford and then who has worked in multi-functional and multi-national teams in two global industries on a range of complex and high profile projects before founding TIYGA Health. She brings a deep and broad background of problem-solving to digital health. Having partnered with a major mobile telecoms company, she was a runner-up in a UK-wide Trailblazer of the Year competition before founding TIYGA™ Health. Her mission is to help people to help themselves to have better health outcomes through timely data capture. 


Katrina demonstrated the TIYGA™ Platform at Health 2.0 (Europe) in London in 2014; showcased TIYGA™ at the second Health & Wellness Conference, Mobile World Congress, Barcelona, 2015; won “Pitch Perfect” at the Long Term Care Revolution Conference, Edinburgh and was a Runner Up in techUK’s Best SME Mobile Health App category in 2015.  TIYGA Health is a regular participant in the European Connected Health Alliance.


TIYGA™ Health has co-authored poster papers with universities in the north-west of England on “The power of personalisation – using smartphone patient diaries to understand lived experience and self-management strategies”. In March 2019, TIYGA™ Health was a case study for simple monitoring as part of the NICE report “Evidence standards framework for digital health technologies”.

We continue to add new capabilities and welcome complementary partners. Working closely with patient-focussed charities TIYGA™ helps people to help themselves in a timely, private, and convenient way. We analyse the patient-generated-health-data in innovative ways.

In 2021, we’ve been working closely with a group of long covid patients. We are also working with other charities specialising in neurological and multi-system conditions where multidisciplinary teams are particularly important. We support the transition between care settings, for example referral from primary to secondary care and in enhancing diagnostic procedures with time-sensitive digital data. Our platform supports patients and healthcare professionals in a variety of use cases, for example in weight management courses and persistent pain clinics.

TIYGA™ Health continues to build momentum and be a pioneer in patient engagement, whether diagnosed or preventative, through smart connected smartphone diary applications.

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